Results for 'Margaret Smithpeter Battaglia'

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  1. Thomas A. Preston.Margaret Smithpeter Battaglia - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):4-5.
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    An Office on Main Street Health Care Dilemmas in Small Communities.Laura Weiss Roberts, John Battaglia, Margaret Smithpeter & Richard S. Epstein - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (4):28-37.
    The health care needs of rural populations often differ from those of their urban counterparts. And the ethical dilemmas that caregivers face are distinctively shaped in rural settings, not only by resource constraints, but by the nature of life in small, close-knit communities as well.
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    Health Care on Main Street.L. W. Roberts, J. Battaglia, M. Smithpeter & R. S. Epstein - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):5.
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    Reconstructing Reality: Models, Mathematics, and Simulations.Margaret Morrison - 2014 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    The book examines issues related to the way modeling and simulation enable us to reconstruct aspects of the world we are investigating. It also investigates the processes by which we extract concrete knowledge from those reconstructions and how that knowledge is legitimated.
  5. A Theory of Political Obligation: Membership, Commitment, and the Bonds of Society.Margaret Gilbert - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Does one have special obligations to support the political institutions of one’s own country precisely because it is one’s own? In short, does one have political obligations? This book argues for an affirmative answer, construing one’s country as a political society of which one is a member, and a political society as a special type of social group. The obligations in question are not moral requirements derived from general moral principles. They come, rather, from one’s participation in a special kind (...)
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  6. Modelling collective belief.Margaret Gilbert - 1987 - Synthese 73 (1):185-204.
    What is it for a group to believe something? A summative account assumes that for a group to believe that p most members of the group must believe that p. Accounts of this type are commonly proposed in interpretation of everyday ascriptions of beliefs to groups. I argue that a nonsummative account corresponds better to our unexamined understanding of such ascriptions. In particular I propose what I refer to as the joint acceptance model of group belief. I argue that group (...)
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    Discurso del Dr. Felice Battaglia.Felice Battaglia - 1966 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 10:11-13.
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    (1 other version)Prof. Felice Battaglia, Presidente della « Società Filosofica Italiana » e del Comitato Organizzatore del Congresso.Felice Battaglia - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:10-16.
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  9. Critical realism: essential readings.Margaret Scotford Archer (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Since the publication of Roy Bhaskar's A Realist Theory of Science in 1975, critical realism has emerged as one of the most powerful new directions in the philosophy of science and social science, offering a real alternative to both positivism and postmodernism. This reader makes accessible in one volume key readings to stimulate debate about and within critical realism, including: the transcendental realist philosophy of science elaborated in A Realist Theory of Science ; Bhaskar's critical naturalist philosophy of social science; (...)
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  10. Collective epistemology.Margaret Gilbert - 2004 - Episteme 1 (2):95--107.
    This paper introduces the author's approach to everyday ascriptions of collective cognitive states as in such statements as we believe he is lying. Collective epistemology deals with these ascriptions attempting to understand them and the phenomena in question.
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    Life in Groups: How We Think, Feel, and Act Together.Margaret Gilbert - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Life in Groups: How We Think, Feel, and Act Together comprises thirteen essays by the author relating to human life in groups, together with a substantial introduction and concluding discussion. The essays continue the development and application of the author’s perspective on collective beliefs, emotions, and actions, arguing that these and other central social phenomena are grounded in a joint commitment of the parties. This commitment unifies them, guides their actions going forward, and determines their relations to one another in (...)
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  12. Agreements, coercion, and obligation.Margaret Gilbert - 1993 - Ethics 103 (4):679-706.
    Typical agreements can be seen as joint decisions, inherently involving obligations of a distinctive kind. These obligations derive from the joint commitment' that underlies a joint decision. One consequence of this understanding of agreements and their obligations is that coerced agreements are possible and impose obligations. It is not that the parties to an agreement should always conform to it, all things considered. Unless one is released from the agreement, however, one has some reason to conform to it, whatever else (...)
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  13. Where have all the theories gone?Margaret Morrison - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (2):195-228.
    Although the recent emphasis on models in philosophy of science has been an important development, the consequence has been a shift away from more traditional notions of theory. Because the semantic view defines theories as families of models and because much of the literature on “scientific” modeling has emphasized various degrees of independence from theory, little attention has been paid to the role that theory has in articulating scientific knowledge. This paper is the beginning of what I hope will be (...)
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    (2 other versions)Unifying Scientific Theories.Margaret Morrison - 2001 - Mind 110 (440):1097-1102.
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  15. Is an Agreement an Exchange of Promises?Margaret Gilbert - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (12):627-649.
    This paper challenges the common assumption that an agreement is an exchange of promises. Proposing that the performance obligations of some typical agreements are simultaneous, interdependent, and unconditional, it argues that no promise-exchange has this structure of obligations. In addition to offering general considerations in support of this claim, it examines various types of promise-exchange, showing that none satisfy the criteria noted. Two forms of conditional promise are distinguished and both forms are discussed. A positive account of agreements as joint (...)
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  16. Collective guilt and collective guilt feelings.Margaret Gilbert - 2002 - The Journal of Ethics 6 (2):115-143.
    Among other things, this paper considers what so-called collective guilt feelings amount to. If collective guilt feelings are sometimes appropriate, it must be the case that collectives can indeed be guilty. The paper begins with an account of what it is for a collective to intend to do something and to act in light of that intention. An account of collective guilt in terms of membership guilt feelings is found wanting. Finally, a "plural subject" account of collective guilt feelings is (...)
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    The Patient as Victim and Vector: Ethics and Infectious Disease.Margaret Battin - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    'The Patient as Victim and Vector' is jointly written by four authors at the University of Utah with expertise in bioethics health law, and both clinical practice and public health policy concerning infectious disease.
  18. Belief and acceptance as features of groups.Margaret Gilbert - 2002 - ProtoSociology 16:35-69.
    In everyday discourse groups or collectives are often said to believe this or that. The author has previously developed an account of the phenomenon to which such collective belief statements refer. According to this account, in terms that are explained, a group believes that p if its members are jointly committed to believe that p as a body. Those who fulfill these conditions are referred to here as collectively believing* that p. Some philosophers – here labeled rejectionists – have argued (...)
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  19. Underdetermination in Science: What It Is and Why We Should Care.Margaret Greta Turnbull - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (2):e12475.
    The underdetermination of scientific theory choice by evidence is a familiar but multifaceted concept in the philosophy of science. I answer two pressing questions about underdetermination: “What is underdetermination?” and “Why should we care about underdetermination?” To answer the first question, I provide a general definition of underdetermination, identify four forms of underdetermination, and discuss major criticisms of each form. To answer the second question, I then survey two common uses of underdetermination in broader arguments against scientific realism and in (...)
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  20. Moral luck and the virtues of impure agency.Margaret Urban Walker - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (1-2):14-27.
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  21. Theory, intervention and realism.Margaret Morrison - 1990 - Synthese 82 (1):1 - 22.
  22. Game Theory and “Convention‘.Margaret Gilbert - 1981 - Synthese 46 (1):41 - 93.
    A feature of David Lewis's account of conventions in his book "Convention" which has received admiring notices from philosophers is his use of the mathematical theory of games. In this paper I point out a number of serious flaws in Lewis's use of game theory. Lewis's basic claim is that conventions cover 'coordination problems'. I show that game-Theoretical analysis tends to establish that coordination problems in Lewis's sense need not underlie conventions.
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  23. Agreements, conventions, and language.Margaret Gilbert - 1983 - Synthese 54 (3):375 - 407.
    The question whether and in what way languages and language use involve convention is addressed, With special reference to David Lewis's account of convention in general. Data are presented which show that Lewis has not captured the sense of 'convention' involved when we speak of adopting a linguistic convention. He has, In effect, attempted an account of social conventions. An alternative account of social convention and an account of linguistic convention are sketched.
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    Trends in the Turn to Affect: A Social Psychological Critique.Margaret Wetherell - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (2):139-166.
    This article explores the psychological logics underpinning key perspectives in the ‘turn to affect’. Research on affect raises questions about the categorization of affective states, affective meaning-making, and the processes involved in the transmission of affect. I argue that current approaches risk depopulating affecting scenes, mystifying affective contagion, and authorizing questionable psychobiological arguments. I engage with the work of Sedgwick and Frank, Thrift, and Ahmed to explore these points and suggest that the concept of affective practice offers a more promising (...)
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  25. Acting together.Margaret Gilbert - 2002 - In Georg Meggle, Social Facts and Collective Intentionality. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical research. Dr. Haensel-Hohenhausen.
  26. Considerations on joint commitment: Responses to various comments.Margaret Gilbert - 2002 - In Georg Meggle, Social Facts and Collective Intentionality. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical research. Dr. Haensel-Hohenhausen. pp. 1--73.
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    Mother Time: Women, Aging, and Ethics.Margaret Urban Walker (ed.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Fifteen original essays open up a novel area of inquiry: the distinctively ethical dimensions of women's experiences of and in aging. Contributors distinguished in the fields of feminist ethics and the ethics of aging explore assumptions, experiences, practices, and public policies that affect women's well-being and dignity in later life. The book brings to the study of women's aging a reflective dimension missing from the empirical work that has predominated to date. Ethical studies of aging have so far failed to (...)
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  28. 10. Lucius T. Outlaw, Jr., On Race and Philosophy Lucius T. Outlaw, Jr., On Race and Philosophy (pp. 454-456).Margaret Gilbert, Andrew Mason, Elizabeth S. Anderson, J. David Velleman, Matthew H. Kramer, Michele M. Moody‐Adams & Martha C. Nussbaum - 1999 - Ethics 109 (2).
  29. Collective Intentions, Commitment, and Collective Action Problems.Margaret Gilbert - 2007 - In Fabienne Peter, rationality and commitment. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 258.
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    Ethics and the business of bioscience.Margaret L. Eaton - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Business Books.
    Businesses that produce bioscience products—gene tests and therapies, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and medical devices—are regularly confronted with ethical issues concerning these technologies. Conflicts exist between those who support advancements in bioscience and those who fear the consequences of unfettered scientific license. As the debate surrounding bioscience grows, it will be increasingly important for business managers to consider the larger consequences of their work. This groundbreaking book follows industry research, development, and marketing of medical and bioscience products across a variety of fields, (...)
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    Angry expressions strengthen the encoding and maintenance of face identity representations in visual working memory.Margaret C. Jackson, David E. J. Linden & Jane E. Raymond - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (2):278-297.
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    Orienting and Emotional Perception: Facilitation, Attenuation, and Interference.Margaret M. Bradley, Andreas Keil & Peter J. Lang - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  33. Unification, realism and inference.Margaret Morrison - 1990 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 41 (3):305-332.
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    Values and Uncertainty in Simulation Models.Margaret Morrison - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S5):939-959.
    In this paper I argue for a distinction between subjective and value laden aspects of judgements showing why equating the former with the latter has the potential to confuse matters when the goal is uncovering the influence of political influences on scientific practice. I will focus on three separate but interrelated issues. The first concerns the issue of ‘verification’ in computational modelling. This is a practice that involves a number of formal techniques but as I show, even these allegedly objective (...)
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  35. Group Membership and Political Obligation.Margaret Gilbert - 1993 - The Monist 76 (1):119-131.
    This is how A. John Simmons sets the scene for his discussion of political obligation in his book Moral Principles and Political Obligations, one of the best known contemporary philosophical treatments of the subject.
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  36. Collective preferences, obligations, and rational choice.Margaret Gilbert - 2001 - Economics and Philosophy 17 (1):109-119.
    Can teams and other collectivities have preferences of their own, preferences that are not in some way reducible to the personal preferences of their members? In short, are collective preferences possible? In everyday life people speak easily of what we prefer, where what is at issue seems to be a collective preference. This is suggested by the acceptability of such remarks as ‘My ideal walk would be . . . along rougher and less well-marked paths than we prefer as a (...)
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    Critical Realism and Concrete Utopias.Margaret S. Archer - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (3):239-257.
    ABSTRACTThe role of Concrete Utopias in the works of Roy Bhaskar are contrasted with the ‘Real Utopias’ of Erik Olin Wright. Critical Realism treats them as ‘possibilities’ that are real because re...
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  38. Ulysses Unbound: Studies in Rationality, Precommitment, and Constraints.Margaret Gilbert - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):399-403.
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  39. Religious Disagreement Is Not Unique.Margaret Greta Turnbull - 2021 - In Matthew A. Benton & Jonathan L. Kvanvig, Religious Disagreement and Pluralism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 90-106.
    In discussions of religious disagreement, some epistemologists have suggested that religious disagreement is distinctive. More specifically, they have argued that religious disagreement has certain features which make it possible for theists to resist conciliatory arguments that they must adjust their religious beliefs in response to finding that peers disagree with them. I consider what I take to be the two most prominent features which are claimed to make religious disagreement distinct: religious evidence and evaluative standards in religious contexts. I argue (...)
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  40. Group wrongs and guilt feelings.Margaret Gilbert - 1997 - The Journal of Ethics 1 (1):65-84.
    Can it ever be appropriate to feel guilt just because one's group has acted badly? Some say no, citing supposed features of guilt feelings as such. If one understands group action according to my plural subject account of groups, however, one can argue for the appropriateness of feeling guilt just because one's group has acted badly - a feeling that often occurs. In so arguing I sketch a plural subject account of groups, group intentions and group actions: for a group (...)
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    A "limited" defense of the genetic fallacy.Margaret A. Crouch - 1993 - Metaphilosophy 24 (3):227-240.
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  42. Locke's Theory of Personal Identity.Margaret Atherton - 1983 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 8 (1):273-293.
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    A Political Theory of Territory: an overview.Margaret Moore - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (6):770-773.
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    Turbulence, emergence and multi-scale modelling.Margaret Morrison - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 24):5963-5985.
    The paper begins with a generic discussion of modelling, focusing on some of its practices and problems. I then move on to a philosophical discussion about emergence and multi-scale modelling; more specifically, the reasons why what looks like a promising strategy for dealing with emergence is sometimes incapable of delivering interesting results. This becomes especially evident when we look more closely at turbulence and what I take to be the main ontological feature of emergent behavior—universality. Finally, I conclude by showing (...)
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  45. Language, Power, and Persuasion: Toward a Critique of Deliberative Democracy.Margaret Kohn - 2000 - Constellations 7 (3):408-429.
    The past twenty years have witnessed the consolidation of deliberation as the normative basis of democratic theory. Although different versions of deliberative democracy vary in scope and degree of institutionalization, they share the assumption that the rational consensus engendered through discussion should serve as the normative guide for democratic politics. Although this tradition has roots in the birth of bourgeois liberal thought, it has received renewed attention due to Habermas’s reformulation on the basis of discourse ethics. In his middle period, (...)
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  46. Can reflexivity and habitus work in tandem?Margaret S. Archer - 2009 - In Margaret Scotford Archer, Conversations About Reflexivity. Routledge.
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    Occupancy rights: life planners and the Navajos.Margaret Moore - 2020 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23 (6):757-764.
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    (2 other versions)The influence of culture on ethical perception held by business students in a New Zealand university.Margaret Brunton & Gabriel Eweje - 2010 - Business Ethics: A European Review 19 (4):349-362.
    The demand for principled and transparent corporate moral judgement and ethical decision making in the workplace makes it necessary for business students as future managers to understand the expectations of ethical workplace conduct. Corporate scandals mean that there is enhanced interest in ensuring that ethical content is included in curricula in universities. In this study, we re‐visit the question of whether culture has an influence on ethical perceptions of workplace scenarios, using students enrolled in a College of Business in a (...)
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  49. Spin: All is not what it seems.Margaret Morrison - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (3):529-557.
  50. John toland and the Newtonian ideology.Margaret Candee Jacob - 1969 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1):307-331.
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